1. Get Bridge Transaction Status

To check the status of a specific bridge, use the following API request:

export const getBridgeStatus = async (bridgeId, apiKey) => {
  const request = await fetch(`https://api.rhino.fi/history/bridge/${bridgeId}`, {
    headers: {
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "authorization": apiKey
    method: "GET"

  return request.json()

When you commit a bridge transaction, you receive a quoteId that you can use to track the transaction status.

import { getBridgeStatus } from './getBridgeStatus';

const API_KEY = 'your_api_key'; // Replace with your API key
const quoteId = '123456'; // Replace with your quote ID

const status = await getBridgeStatus(quoteId, API_KEY);

const depositTxHash = status.state === 'ACCEPTED' || status.state === 'EXECUTED' ? status.depositTxHash : ''
const withdrawTxHash = status.state === 'EXECUTED' ? status.withdrawTxHash : ''

console.log('Bridge status:', status.state);
console.log('Deposit transaction hash:', depositTxHash);
console.log('Withdraw transaction hash:', withdrawTxHash);

Possible state values:

  • PENDING - The transaction is being processed.
  • ACCEPTED - The deposit is valid and has been accepted.
  • EXECUTED - The transaction is complete, and credited on destination chain.
  • CANCELLED - The transaction did not complete successfully.

For the full response format and more details, see the API Reference.

2. Get Bridge History

To retrieve a list of past transactions:

rhino.fi prioritizes transaction privacy, so the history endpoint is disabled by default for API keys. If access is required, ensure your API key is kept private and properly configured.

You can request access to the user history endpoint by contacting us.

export const getBridgeUserHistory = async (apiKey) => {
    const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
    page: '1',
    limit: '20',
    sortBy: 'createdAt',
    sortDirection: 'desc',
  const request = await fetch(`https://api.rhino.fi/history/user?${queryParams.toString()}`, {
    headers: {
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "authorization": apiKey
    method: "GET"

  return await request.json()
import { getBridgeUserHistory } from './getBridgeUserHistory';

const API_KEY = 'your_api_key'; // Replace with your API key

const history = await getBridgeUserHistory(API_KEY);

console.log('Bridge history:', history.items);

Next Steps