
For this example we’ll use starknet.js to interact with the contract, but you can replace it with any Starknet library of your choice.

Make sure to install it first:

yarn add starknet

Interacting with the Contract

To execute a bridge transaction, call the deposit_with_id function as follows:

The commitmentId required by the contract corresponds to the quoteId returned by the API.

To obtain the commitmentId, first request a quote from the API, then commit it. The response will include the quoteId, which should be used as the commitmentId in the contract call.

See Quickstart for details.

import {CallData, cairo} from 'starknet'

export const callStarknetBridgeContract = async (
  }) => {
  // See API Integration -> Fetch Bridge Configs for the full implementation
  const configs = await getBridgeConfigs()
  const chainConfig = configs[chain]

  // Replace with your wallet implementation
  const provider = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: chainConfig.rpc });
  const account = new Account(provider, STARKNET_WALLET_ADDRESS, STARKNET_PRIVATE_KEY);

  const tokenConfig = chainConfig.tokens[token]
  const amountWithDecimals = +amount * 10 ** tokenConfig.decimals
  const tokenAddress = tokenConfig.address
  const bridgeContractAddress = chainConfig.contractAddress

  const depositAmount = cairo.uint256(amountWithDecimals)
  const id = `0x${commitmentId}`
  const multiCall = await account.execute([
      contractAddress: tokenAddress,
      entrypoint: 'approve',
      calldata: CallData.compile({
        spender: bridgeContractAddress,
        amount: depositAmount,
      contractAddress: bridgeContractAddress,
      entrypoint: 'deposit_with_id',
      calldata: CallData.compile({
        token: tokenAddress,
        amount: depositAmount,
        commitment_id: id,

  const result = await provider.waitForTransaction(multiCall.transaction_hash)

  if ('revert_reason' in result && 'execution_status' in result) {
    if (result.execution_status === 'REVERTED') {
      throw new Error(result.revert_reason)

  return {transactionHash: multiCall.transaction_hash}